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ModMAG® Electromagnetic Flowmeter


M1000 Datasheet

M2000 Datasheet

M3000 Datasheet

M4000 Datasheet

M5000 Datasheet

The Badger Meter ModMAG range of electromagnetic flowmeters are easy-to-maintain and long-lasting and offer a range of options to suit any flow metering system. They offer high-accuracy and low maintenance, allowing you to meet the challenges of difficult fluid conditions.

Contact the GTS Team via the contact form, or call our staff on (08) 9250 4400 to learn more.


  • No moving parts in flow stream — easy to maintain with a long-service life
  • Measures water, water-based fluids and other liquids
  • Suitable for a wide range of flow measuring applications
  • Battery-powered options are available to order — contact GTS today!


